
Technology > Tech Help

Connecting to WiFi

Armbrae has two WiFi networks, Armbrae and ArmbraeGuest. Visitors wishing to connect to ArmbraeGuest should contact the front office, which can create guest accounts. Students and Staff should connect to Armbrae. Student passwords can be retrieved by students' teachers. Staff password resets must be done by Mr. Rhinelander (if you have misplaced your password please check to see if I sent it to you on Slack). 

Connecting to ArmbraeGuest

Enter your username and PIN in the captive portal.

Connecting to Armbrae

Apple (MacOS/iOS)


Connect to Armbrae using the following (any fields not listed should be left blank):

Some Windows & Android 11+ devices

Some Windows and Android 11+ devices require you to use the settings below. 

SSID: Armbrae


If you are having trouble connecting to the Armbrae WiFi network, please be sure to Forget any previous connections to both Armbrae and ArmbraeGuest

If you are still having trouble, please see Mr. Rhinelander.