
Reopening Plans for School Year 2020 - 2021

Part I: Health and Safety Control Framework

In order to ensure the safety of all members of our community, we will be deploying the following four level framework in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.

Level 1: Preventing COVID-19 from entering the school.

If you visited the school this past summer, you will have noticed that we required everyone that entered the school to go through a detailed screening process. All visitors had to complete a detailed Public Health checklist indicating they were healthy, and all parents did the same on behalf of their children indicating that they were dropping off a healthy child at day camp. All children had to wash their hands upon entering the building.

Currently, visitors are able to do this electronically with their smartphones, and also by signing in using paper forms. Additionally, vendors, contractors, and delivery personnel are asked to wear masks in the building.

Now that school has started, we have moved the check-in process from school to home in order to expedite things. So, as usual, all students that come to school each day must "pass" the daily health checklist. The difference now is that parents can scan their child's class QR code - at home - prior to coming to school. If parents suspect their child is unwell, then that child is required to stay home and parents can simply notify the school of the absence. Related to this, students that exhibit health concerns at check in or during the school day will be immediately sent home;

Level 2: Modifying the School Environment: Hygiene, Cohorting, Physical Distancing

During summer programming we have modified the Armbrae environment in a number of ways in order to decrease COVID-19 exposure and to encourage compliance with public health measures. It has been very helpful in anticipating our needs for September. Here are the key modifications that will be in place in the fall:

  • Hygiene:

    • Hand-sanitizer dispensers have been installed outside every room in the school and in key areas in public spaces (lobbies, entrances, etc.);

    • In addition to washrooms inside, we have a soap and water hand wash station outside;

  • Cohorting: We will be deploying the Cohorting concept for September, meaning that we will keep students within a grade together as much as possible, and eliminate the movement of those students wherever possible. Our advantage is, we have one class per grade, and all students from Preschool to Grade 10 take all of the same subjects together. Wherever possible, Specialist teachers will travel to the class, rather than the class travelling to the Specialist.

  • Physical Distancing:

    • Students in Grades 11 and 12 take core subjects with their grade level, but they also take electives. It means that the Cohorts cannot always remain together. In such instances, we will schedule elective classes in a way that allows us to maintain physical distancing. We are fortunate to have been able to acquire additional classroom space to help achieve this.

    • Lunch time for Lower School students - Preschool to Grade 6 - will take place as usual since the Cohorts can be maintained. Lunch time for Middle and Upper school students is more complex as they have been free to eat lunch in a classroom, in a common area, or off campus. For September, we have acquired further additional space that will allow us to create a “dining hall” environment, within which students can maintain physical distancing for meals. As our plan evolves, the safe handling of food will be discussed.

    • Hallway travel will also require re-engineering. During Summer Academy, we have been piloting specific directional flow in order to encourage the physical distancing of students as they travel within the school. We anticipate that this will take some educating with our students in the fall, and we will likely require students and teachers to wear masks when in hallways and in other public spaces. Stay tuned for more on this.

Level 3: Changing The Way We Work: Outdoor Learning, Cleaning, Home to School Partnership

  • Outdoor Learning: In order to further minimize transmission, we will encourage teachers and students to learn outdoors whenever possible. Example: Physical and Health Education (PHE) classes.

  • Frequent and Additional Cleaning: In addition, we will have increased cleaning staff on site during the school day. They will be engaged in frequent cleaning of high touch areas, as well as classrooms between classes. We are excited to announce that we have purchased a number of the new HURRICANE ULTRA™ Electric Portable Aerosol Applicators (ULV / Mister). These allow our staff to clean classrooms and athletic facilities and equipment in a matter of minutes. The drying time for use by the next class is about 90 seconds. Stay tuned for more information on that.

  • Home to School Partnership: Finally, as a community we will learn and work together in collaboration. Many of you work in the healthcare industry and in other sectors where COVID-19 protocols have been successful. As we move through the summer, we encourage the two way sharing of information in order to protect all members of the Armbrae Community.

Level 4: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The final level of control is the use of PPE to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets. Anytime physical distancing cannot be maintained, students and teachers should wear masks or face shields. Families can use this summer to ensure that their child(ren) are prepared to wear a mask if necessary. Now is a great time for students to personalize and become accustomed to wearing their own mask.