
Reopening Plans for School Year 2020 - 2021

Part V: COVID-19 Guidelines

Armbrae Academy is committed to providing a safe environment for children, students, and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. To that end, we are using the following protocols in order to safely deliver our school programme.

Personal Hygiene and Protective Precautions

  • On the first day of school, students will attend “Hygiene Bootcamp” in cohorts (homerooms, grades, etc.). There, they will learn about proper hygiene (hand washing, coughing, sneezing, respecting each other's space). Also, students will be reminded daily that they must avoid touching their mouth, nose, and eyes.

  • Posters will be visible for reminders of proper hygiene practices – including how to wash their hands properly, and proper coughing and sneezing etiquette.

  • Handwashing will take place many times during the day: at check-in each day; between activities; moving from indoors to outside and vice versa; before and after eating, drinking, toileting, sneezing, coughing, blowing nose.

  • STOP signs are posted to prompt hand washing before exiting all washrooms.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available when hand washing is not possible. Hand sanitizing dispensers are installed outside every classroom in the school.

  • Windows will be open whenever possible to increase ventilation throughout the classrooms.

Traffic Flow, Movement of People, Physical Distancing, Cohorting and Masks

  • Public Health approved physical distancing posters are visible in all school buildings.

  • Arrows and 6 foot markers on the sidewalks and floors indicate directions for entering and exiting the building, as well as ensuring social distancing both inside and out.

  • Prior to drop off, parents are required to electronically check their child in at home. The electronic check-in confirms that parents and their child(ren) are symptom free.

  • For younger students that present challenges at drop off, parents may enter the school via the “Grade 4” (east side) door, and then exit the school through the south set of double doors (front of school).

  • Note the doors to the building are always locked, therefore a staff member will let each student in at the appropriate interval and designated entrance.

  • Upon entering the building everyone will be asked to wash their hands or sanitize. There is a stop sign telling people not to enter the building if they are exhibiting symptoms or who have been in contact with people.

  • For pick up, parents may not enter the building, they will wait outside following social distancing guidelines. A staff member will deliver each child to their parent at a designated door or pickup area at the front steps.

  • Entrances and exits will be assigned to each grade. Ideally, these entrance/exits will be consistent with fire safety routes.

  • Students will be organized in Cohorts - either by homeroom or by grade. Cohorts of students will stay together throughout the day, and they will not intermingle with other Cohort groups.

  • The outdoor space will also be set up into 6 areas (see diagram on the right). This will provide students options for individual play and distanced group play during recess and lunch.

  • Cohort groups will never be in the same place at the same time and transitions will take place through different hallways and doors.

  • As of August 21st, , new directives from Nova Scotia Public Health indicate that all public school students from Grades 4-12 must wear non-medical masks at school. Even though we have gone to great lengths to physically distance our students in classes, we want to proceed with an abundance of caution. Therefore, until different information becomes available, Armbrae will also require students in Grades 4-12 to wear a non-medical mask at all times when they are indoors - on both campuses. The following situations are exceptions to this:

- During indoor physical activity;

- When eating and drinking indoors;

- During outdoor activities within a cohort.

  • P-3 Students do not have to wear masks in class. However, they must wear masks when they are in hallways, washrooms, common spaces, during drop-off and pickup, etc.

  • Faculty and Staff will wear masks at all times - unless eating or drinking, outdoors, or in situations where physical distancing can be maintained.

Cleaning and Equipment: Hygiene procedures for the classroom and the school

  • The entire school will be cleaned every evening.

  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting will occur throughout the day – for all high touch areas (door handles, railings, bathrooms, tables, light switches, etc.). Appropriate disinfecting cleaner will be used.

  • Note: Armbrae has acquired a number of Hurricane Ultra™ foggers (ULV/Mister) that dispense and distribute Ultra-Lyte™ disinfectant to an entire classroom or gymnasium in a matter of minutes. Surfaces and equipment are ready to use within 80 seconds following Ultra-Lyte application using this method.

  • Waste will be disposed of safely each day.

  • Outdoor areas and equipment will be cleaned and disinfected as needed.

  • Toys and materials will be cleaned and disinfected at the end of each day.

  • All equipment used will be cleaned.

  • Each child will have access to their own supplies (crayons, markers, paints, glue, scissors, etc.), and materials will stay with each cohort.

  • Morning assemblies will take place via Zoom to classroom SMART Boards.

  • Classrooms will be re-organized depending on the size of room.

  • Wherever possible, soft furnishings and area rugs will be removed.

  • The Hurricane Ultra™ foggers can be used to clean any remaining soft furnishings or area rugs between classes/cohorts.

  • Students must bring their own water bottles to school. Since Armbrae uses Elkay™ brand water fountains/coolers, students can fill their own water bottles without using the drinking fountain portion of the apparatus.

  • Students will sanitize their hands as they enter the classroom or any room and again once they leave. Hand sanitizers are available outside every room in the school.

Expectations around use of materials; expectations for shared use of equipment

In addition, to what has been mentioned above, the following guidelines are also in place:

  • As much as possible, items that belong at home stay at home, and items that belong at school stay at school.

  • Lockers will not be available for use. Students will bring everything they need for the day in their backpack.

  • Students will be asked to leave materials such as toys and sports equipment, and books at home

  • Once library books are used, they are placed in a bin for 72 hrs before being used by anyone else.

  • Homework will be available on (Brightspace™ ) and submitted via Brightspace whenever possible.

Lunch and Snack (Recess) Procedures

  • Recesses and lunches will be staggered by cohorts.

  • Washroom use will also be staggered.

  • During snack or lunchtime, each cohort of students will sit in a classroom or at a table reserved for that cohort.

  • On the first day of school, the “no food sharing” policy will be taught to all students, particularly Lower School students.

  • Each student will bring their own labelled water bottle to school.

  • Students will bring their own snacks and lunch items each day.

  • Hot Lunch programme items will be individually packaged.

  • Students should bring their lunches to school when they arrive in the morning (not dropped off later by parent or guardian).

  • All students will take their lunch litter home with them.

Monitoring Symptoms (staff, students, visitors, and families) and Responding to Illness

  • Staff, students, and visitors entering Armbrae Academy will have to complete the Health Check List daily, indicating they are free of any symptoms. Anyone that is not symptom free, will be denied entry into the building, encouraged to self-isolate at home, and call 811.

  • Staff and students will be monitored throughout the day for symptoms.

  • If a staff member develops symptoms while on site, they will receive verbal instructions to immediately wash their hands, avoid contact with others, go home to isolate, and call 811 for an assessment to determine if they need to be tested.

  • If a student develops any symptoms, they will be isolated immediately from others with one staff member. The staff member will supervise the student at a safe physical distance in the Before/Aftercare Centre (AARC Mezzanine), until a parent or guardian arrives to pick them up. Once home, the student must isolate and the parent or guardian must call 811 for an assessment. The student must be cleared medically prior to returning to school.

  • Posters are located around Armbrae Academy informing all community members of the symptoms of COVID-19. The symptoms are also included on the daily health checklist.

  • Please note that some individuals are considered at higher risk of severe illness with COVID-19 (including those over 65 and those with compromised immune systems or underlying medical conditions) and that parents, guardians and staff are encouraged to consult their health care provider if they have concerns about their own health, their child’s health, or the health of other household contacts.

Outbreak Management

  • We will keep daily attendance records of all staff and children as well a registry of all the people entering the facility. This must include confirmation of daily health checks for symptoms.

  • In the event that a case of COVID-19 is confirmed to be connected to our site, Public Health (811) will provide additional guidance including ensuring that appropriate supports are in place to coordinate the response. Public Health actions and directions may include:

    • Contact tracing, which involves identifying contacts of a positive case and contacting those individuals;

    • Requesting records that identify cohorts/groups of staff and children in the day camp setting for a specified time frame;

    • Testing of staff and children that may have been exposed to a positive case;

    • Enhancing environmental cleaning;

    • Assessing need for facility closure.

  • We will work with Public Health to ensure a prompt response to cases of COVID-19 that may have resulted from exposure at school and/or to situations where individuals with COVID-19 may have entered the school.


  • Armbrae's reopening plans are living documents. They will be updated as needed and shared online in this space.

  • Signage communicating safety protocols and expectations are posted throughout the building.

How to Keep Your Distance as an Adult

  • Visitors and parents will not enter the school. Some exceptions to this could include: approved contractors (safely) working in the school; a parent dropping off a young student that is presenting challenges; an emergency.

  • Stay 6 feet apart when waiting outside during drop-off and pickup. Another good option is to remain in your vehicle if parking space permits.

  • Parents, please respect staggered drop off and pick up times (to be communicated).

  • Wear a mask at all times when you are on campus and cannot maintain social distancing.

Faculty and Staff Professional Development

COVID-19 Training

  • Initial training took place June 22nd - 26th.

  • Additional professional development will take place August 26th - September 3rd.

  • Read and sign off Guidelines for communicable Disease Prevention and control for Regulated Child Care

  • Discuss signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and protocols to teach students - hand washing, washroom use, traffic flow, etc.

  • Workshop on cleaning and disinfecting with Walter Fougere (Cleanology™).

Daily Health Check List

Parents and guardians, will complete this checklist each day and be prepared to confirm their answers to a teacher or staff member. If you are unsure, contact 811 before bringing your child to school.

Click here to view the COVID-19 checklist.