
Reopening Plans for School Year 2020 - 2021

Part IV: Physical Spaces

Some of the areas in this section have been covered in more detail in Part V: COVID-19 Guidelines. Please cross reference your reading of this section with that portion of the plan.

General Building Safety

In addition to what has been covered in Part V: COVID-19 Guidelines, the following are also in place:

  • Controlling access to buildings - enhanced security on both campuses;

  • Daily health screening of all persons entering buildings;

  • Directional traffic flow "wayfinder" markers on hallway floors;

  • Ensuring washroom doors are always propped open, or removed;

  • Dedicating entire floors of the school to specific divisions (eg. Lower School - lower level, Middle School - Upper level, Upper School - Coburg campus);

  • Hand sanitizers have been installed outside every classroom;

  • All classrooms have operable windows for ventilation - year round;

  • Long term strategy for air conditioning so that we can keep classroom windows open for ventilation, while still keeping classrooms cool.

Arrival and Dismissal Protocols and Expectations

In addition to what has been covered in Part V: COVID-19 Guidelines, the following will also be in place or are being planned for:

  • Staggered arrivals & dismissal by class or grade. Considerations include: multiple/assigned entry and exit door by grade or division, siblings, lateness, leaving for appointments;

Assigned entry and exit door

  • Grades 2 & 4 enter south side door

  • Grades 3 & 5 enter Grade 3 door

  • Grade 1 enters Grade 3 door

  • Grade Primary enters Primary door

  • Preschool enter Preschool door.

  • Grade 6 students enter through the South Door (Near the new Grade 4 room)

  • Middle School students enter through the front doors

  • Upper School students start their day at Coburg Campus


7:30-8:00am Before care Osprey Nest

8:00am Grades P - 5: Outside Play (Oxford Campus)

Oxford & Coburg Campus doors open

Grades 6-9: May Enter their Classrooms

Grades 10-12: May Enter Coburg Dining Hall

8:25am P-2 enter

8:30am 3-5 enter


3:00pm- 3:30pm

  • Lower school: The teacher will take students leaving at 3:10pm to meet parents at their designated drop-off area. Meantime, the after school Supervisor will be in the classroom with the other students while they are washing their hands, having a snack, and getting ready for their co-curricular programme .

  • 3:30pm: Students go to their Co-Curricular program with all belongings or outside to play, placing their bag by their grade pylon at the back school.

  • 4:30pm: Students will go to the drop off/pick up area (Front of School) and wait at their designated pick up area with a supervisor.

  • 4:30pm-5:45pm: Students staying for aftercare, will play outside or in the Osprey Nest.

  • Parents must be extra sensitive and aware when using the school driveway and parking lot. Students enter and exit the vehicle in the pick-up/drop off zone only. Parents must remain in their vehicle. The one exception to this would be for PreSchool/PrePrimary students that have temporary difficulty getting dropped off at the beginning of the school year;

  • No parents or guardians in the building except in extraordinary situations;

  • AfterSchool programs: activities, clubs, study-hall, sports will still be offered following strict Public Health guidelines - physical distancing, cohorts, masks, etc.;

  • BeforeCare and AfterCare: will be offered following strict Public Health guidelines - physical distancing, cohorts (15 students), masks, etc.; ***Must Preregister

  • All students that come to school each day must "pass" the daily health checklist. All parents will scan their child's class QR code prior to coming to school. If parents suspect their child is unwell, they can go thru that checklist from home, prior to leaving for school. If their child does not "pass" the daily health checklist, then that child is required to stay home and parents can simply notify the school of the absence. Related to this, students that exhibit health concerns at check in or during the school day will be immediately sent home;

  • There will be no access to lockers. Students must minimize what they bring to school, because they will have to keep their belongings with them for the duration of the day.

  • Re-evaluation of what items need to be at school;

  • Re-evaluate the school uniform in the short term. Example: Gym uniform only (on Gym days) as this allows for flexibility and daily easy laundering at home;

  • Wherever possible, no rotation of classes. Instead, Specialist teachers rotate to classes whenever possible.

  • Expectations for visitors and other service providers entering the school

In addition to what has been covered in Part V: COVID-19 Guidelines, the following will also be in place or are being planned for:

  • Entry to school reserved to students, faculty & staff;

  • School Hot Lunch deliveries - to front steps;

  • Video intercom system is being installed on the main door in order to communicate with delivery and service providers;

  • All service providers and contractors will be required to pass the daily health checklist, physically distance from students and teachers, and wear masks at all times.

Entering and exiting the classroom

In addition to what has been covered in Part V: COVID-19 Guidelines, the following general practices will be emphasized:

  • Rotation of teachers not students;

  • Staggered arrival/dismissal/changes;

  • Hand washing/sanitizing before entering & exiting.

Cohorting, group work guidelines, rules for outdoor play

In addition to what has been covered in Part V: COVID-19 Guidelines, the following will also be in place or are being planned for:

  • No in-person assemblies , performances, sporting events*, etc.;

  • Assemblies may take place via Zoom for full school involvement;

  • *Note that we will be following NSSAF and CAIS guidelines on sports that can be offered;

  • Group work - no sharing of materials;

  • Cohorting depends prescribed group size with possible exceptions for younger grades;

  • Outdoor play in cohorts, while continuing to enforce Armbre's existing “hands off" policy. We will also encourage independent and small group (sub-cohort groups) play.

Physical Distancing

In addition to what has been covered in Part V: COVID-19 Guidelines, the following will also be in place or are being planned for:

  • Larger classes have been split, in order to reduce class sizes;

  • In addition, we have matched class sizes with the physical dimensions of each room - smaller classes in smaller rooms, larger classes in larger rooms;

  • Staff all have their own desgnated work space.

  • Providing safe relief spaces for homeroom teachers;

  • All staff and teachers will be provided with masks and shields in order to protect students.

Classrooms, outdoor play space, auxiliary spaces

In addition to what has been covered in Part V: COVID-19 Guidelines, the following will also be in place or are being planned for:

  • Additional cleaning equipment, staff, and routines will be in place so that extra cleaning of classrooms, materials, and other spaces can take place as needed;

  • Staggered outdoor play schedule. Based on cohorts and ability to enter/exit through different doors;

  • General hands-off policy (for outdoor spaces) will continue;

  • Student hand washing or sanitizing before and after moving to a new space including outside. Outdoor sink is in place, but will not be practical mid-winter;

  • Homework is being re-evaluated due concerns about materials going back and forth between home and school;

  • We will endeavour to schedule all Middle School and Upper School science classes so that both the lecture theatre and the lab are available. This will ensure we can accommodate fewer students in the lab at any one time.


In addition to what has been covered in Part V: COVID-19 Guidelines, the following will also be in place or are being planned for:

  • Issues being planned for include: unscheduled bathroom breaks, staggered recess/lunch/outdoor play, after school drop off duties/staggered arrivals and dismissals.

  • Relief to teachers whose position naturally creates more responsibility. For example, Jr. School Homeroom teachers.